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What is Reiki ?

 Dr Mikao Usui was the founder of The Reiki being taught today. Dr Usui believed that there was more to life than what he had been taught Reiki is both hands on healing and also absentee healing. When Reiki is applied with dedication and commitment miracles can and do happen.


When working with Reiki energy on a person you find that you can lower stress within their body.

Stress is the major factor for illness in our society today. Stress and worry can cause the mind to break down which can cause illness to the body. With Reiki hands on healing, we are able to help a person lower their stress levels, which in turn helps them to control their level of worry, fear and stress and when we do that, a person is able to think straight and focus on positive outcomes in their lives.

Have you notice that when you are at peace with your personal world illness does not invade you as much as when you are worried or stressed out? Reiki healings can provide that level of healing to improve your life.

When someone is diagnose with a serious and life threatening illness there is a real fear and a sense of failure within themselves. You begin to feel like life has betrayed you in some way. With Reiki we are able to help a person feel good about themselves, to help them combat the fear and worry.

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